Friday, January 9, 2009

No Tomatillio

Watch out sunny!


If you are ever needing a new sound, and like latin stuff, and you like adventures, which you must! then you should look at Marc Ribot, who played for some time alongside Tom Waits and is lovely lovely lovely.
And if he wrote poems about Tomato's etc. one may be quite like this here:

La Tomatillio

Oh, la,
La tomatillio

That one in the jardine, take it in for me

I see on my table, you, may cut it up
The color is nice, but what of the Taste?

Very Well, i think the salsa is ready.
If you read Rumi, you will know my best thoughts

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Tomato and the Pickle.

When you say Tomato in your head, there is a certain way that you must say it; each syllable has to have an equal and distinct pronunciation. To-MA-TO, and the last O can sort of linger just abit. :)

If you haven't ever grown a To-Ma-To before, you must begin asap, next spring. it is complete heaven. I was picking and weeding earlier today out in the tomato patch at Toshiko's. And i didn't know before, but New Jersey tomato's are supposed to be the best. and i think they probably are. So i was picking out there earlier with a basket and i couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the beauty and allure of the succulent tomatos hanging on their vines, red and green and yellow, pulling and tugging their helpless stalks towards the earth, ripening and changing and growing every second bigger and bigger. i feel now that in some ways i hadn't ever seen a tomato before, until i picked them myself, and ate them as i knelt in the tomato patch.

Each post won't be about tomato's, and each post wont exclusively be about pickles either. they were both simply convienent and wonderful fruits (veggies?) at my litterary disposal.

Next Post: How the Pickle met the Jar